My last post expressed "It's time for change! I am thankful to God for the issue, school racial disparities, finally being addressed and I am expecting major change! If one has not /walked in the shoes of parents and students impacted within the posted topic, you may not understand or agree with this post. If you care and seek understanding, thank you! I must also say, I have utmost respect for educators; but we do have serious issues which need to be corrected within our schools systems - some process and some personnel. I acknowledge there are some great teachers who genuinely care about their students; and they should be role model teachers, but the fact remains every educator does not have your child's best interest. You can tell by their actions...even your child can tell if you ask them. Based on the attached article, we (parents, teachers, community) have some work to do!

In addition, I would like to suggest there be a revisit and retraining on writing incident reports. In example, WHY in the world would one write an incident report and include "sexual harassment" accusation for a kindergartner? Is it written this way for all children when one try to kiss a little girl? WHY in the world would one write an incident report labeling a child aggressive and committing assault before a complete investigation is done; and after parent's request to view the bus video that clearly shows opposite, why is there is no addendum made to the incident report? Why would an educator place a student's desk facing the wall, excluded from all other students and the main position of teaching - without discussion with the parent? Is it right to to encourage a student to play with an Ouija board and make him go into the hallway after he refuses? Is it right for a teacher to tell a student, "get out of my classroom, I don't want to see your face for an hour," and then follow him to the hallway and shut the book he is reading? How does it impact the student? Is it right for a teacher to grab a student by his wrist and tell him, "I heard what you told your grandmother, are just a confused little boy." How does it impact the student? How is a child impacted after attempting to advocate for himself by expressing, "I don't like to be touched" (a trigger) while being pushed out of the classroom - only to hear the teacher reply, "and I don't like smart mouth children." How is a child impacted when there are issues he is already trying to deal with? Can a student focus on learning and making the best grades possible? Perception is everything. Actions like these leave one to think there are some systematic inside actions for feeding the school-to-prison pipelines.
Don't get me wrong. I do realize teacher are sometimes pushed to their limits, they have feelings and emotions, and no one should have to go through verbal abuse or physical abuse from a student or parent. However, the more we respond instead of react, the better outcome. In fact, if we learn to look at the whole student, learn who the whole student is, we may be able to take advantage of missed opportunities to truly teach the student. Teachers have authority and they can make or break a student. Students will give up, hate school, drop out - all because of treatment from a teacher. If we, as parents, teachers, and students are all angry and frustrated, then we can't make our school system better...we can't close the gaps...we can't decrease the school-to-prison pipeline.
PARENTS, you play THE major part. Don't expect for teachers to do what we should do as parents. Nurture and teach your children respect, self-control, and manners. Make sure homework is done. Help the students. We are our children's first and best teachers. Meet with the teachers, especially if there are concerns. If there are issues between teachers and students, try working it out. You have options. Request to have your student placed in another classroom to see if it makes a difference. If problems doesn't work out, meet with the student/community liaisons and the Superintendent or school board. Write letters to your Board of Education, Congressman, or Senators. Call media. Learn your rights. Request the student and parent's right handbooks. Read the incident reports and request an addendum, when applicable or write a rebuttle and request it to be attached to the incident report. View or request your children's school records. Talk to your children about their school day. Take responsibility and become more involved in YOUR children's educational journey, IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE. The children are our future.
Don't get me wrong. I do realize teacher are sometimes pushed to their limits, they have feelings and emotions, and no one should have to go through verbal abuse or physical abuse from a student or parent. However, the more we respond instead of react, the better outcome. In fact, if we learn to look at the whole student, learn who the whole student is, we may be able to take advantage of missed opportunities to truly teach the student. Teachers have authority and they can make or break a student. Students will give up, hate school, drop out - all because of treatment from a teacher. If we, as parents, teachers, and students are all angry and frustrated, then we can't make our school system better...we can't close the gaps...we can't decrease the school-to-prison pipeline.
PARENTS, you play THE major part. Don't expect for teachers to do what we should do as parents. Nurture and teach your children respect, self-control, and manners. Make sure homework is done. Help the students. We are our children's first and best teachers. Meet with the teachers, especially if there are concerns. If there are issues between teachers and students, try working it out. You have options. Request to have your student placed in another classroom to see if it makes a difference. If problems doesn't work out, meet with the student/community liaisons and the Superintendent or school board. Write letters to your Board of Education, Congressman, or Senators. Call media. Learn your rights. Request the student and parent's right handbooks. Read the incident reports and request an addendum, when applicable or write a rebuttle and request it to be attached to the incident report. View or request your children's school records. Talk to your children about their school day. Take responsibility and become more involved in YOUR children's educational journey, IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE. The children are our future.
No! None of us are perfect, but we do have a responsibility to our children, to the students. There is a reason that are children are failing. There is a reason that our children are angry and aggressive. There is a cause to the affect we are witnessing. Let's start watching, asking, and try to determine the root causes. Parents, Educators, Community members, we MUST come together for the good of the children...the students, for when one hurt, the whole community hurt - one way or another. It's like spiders in a web, anyway you touch the web, it will tremble and we will ALL be affected. Our students are failing. We are failing our students. Please review the articles below.
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