"Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him," Psalms 127:3 tells me. It doesn't matter how they got her, who the baby daddy is, or how old the parents are. Bottom line - children are a gift from the Lord. So, when the gift is not operating as you want it to, do you just through it away? Some people do, but we shouldn't! Especially if it is a gift from the Lord. That's how I came about the title of my book, A Mother's Cry: he's still my child. For it didn't matter to me that my son had made wrong choices and was living a life of self-destruct. It didn't even matter to me when he disrespected me because I knew that God had given him to me to nurture, to love and cherish - until death did us part. I knew if I gave up on my son that he would truly be left out in a mean, cruel, and cold world to be devoured by those wolves in sheep clothing.

Many have asked me if I was going to write another book and what is Shawntae doing now. I am sure I
have already posted that status, but I am led to focus on good things today. I do have plans to write other books - one is already in the works and perhaps one day a movie. But let me share some things about Shawntae- for he, too, is a living testimony. I am so happy and so very proud to tell you that Shawntae is a Chef and prepares the best food! If you have not eaten his food, you are missing out on a treat. Shawntae' cooks with comedy. I have eaten the food and enjoy it, but I am still trying to get use to the comedy. He has always joked around. In fact, I used to shut him down for joking around. Obviously, it was in his blood, in his genes, in his plans. Today, I encourage him to follow his heart's desire, but keep it clean. Here are some of thing things Shawntae has been into.
See page 10:
FB post:
Clarence Robinson
feeling determined with DeWayne Bartonand 9 others.
Love waking up feeling like this is life even when I know there's more to accomplish! Really enjoyed the event last night. Food disappeared, you know you got that flavor when guest are snatching scraps while your breaking down and cleaning. Think they tried to take the table cloth cause it had a lil love on it!😂Most importantly , im excited about this opportunity to have my story shared at a culinary school at a Technical College in ATLANTA!!! Was approached last night and told they have been watching me. And the school's Chef will be contacting me!Priscilla R. Ndiayee you also have a personal invite from the contact she said so you can see how beautiful it is!!ThanksDeWayne Bartonn 1💗double bowlegged bruda! You never know who's watching.... So I stay the same... #ChefLove4Life
Last night Tony Shivers asked me, "Cooking keeping you out of trouble ain't it!" As he went for round two at the reception table😂😂.. I replied all day my brother. I wanna change that my brother and say Cooking saved my life!!! Great seeing you King keep Glowing Mac... Aeee you got the juice now....... The Holy juice of the Sprit and Blood of the most high!! Tip my hat to you.#Respect
I am thankful for the great support team I had while journeying through with such a challenging child. It takes the village to raise a child! Couldn't have done it without the support. Please forgive me for not remembering everyone. There is a more complete list in the book. Here are some who comes to mind:
My family, Robinson and Finley are the best! My older son, Alonzo was my rock and anchor. Jr's Barbershop - my brother Oscar, Leon Bass, Jr., Portia Evans, Ruth Fabian; daugher-n-law Nikoletta Robinson,Sharon Willis-Fane, Robert Simmons, Life on Life Terms - Matthew Bacoate, Billy Gardenheight, Jr., Karen Cowan, Quentin Miller, Walter Robertson, Holly Broadwater, Bennie Lake, Mr. James Collington, Mr. Craig, Onas Perry, Doug Maybin, Lisa and DeWayne Barton, Coachella Hunter-Purter, Valerie Harper (the other mother), Mamadou Ndiaye, and last by not least, Judge Calvin Hill (who was then Clarence Shawntae's public defender in court).
Your labor was not in vain!
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