"I acknowledge that as a human being, with weaknesses and foibles, it is much easier to see 'out there' than it is to acknowledge that I am the only one who gets to say what goes on in my life. I am creating my experiences moment by moment, thought by thought, word by word, action by action." Iyanla Vanzant
Watching life quickly pass by - hearing about all of the violence within my community and throughout the world - and listening to the divisive conversations, can be overwhelming. It brings me to the reality that life is a big classroom and we encounters many different test, experiences, and teachers along our journey. But for some - life is just like being on a big battlefield. There are continuous actions to make wrong right, change the laws, change the mindsets, stop the violence, stop oppressing others, stop the bullying, and the list goes on and on and on. Watching others and dealing with our own personal experiences can overpower us, emotionally hijack us, stress and depress us, and could take us into a self-destructive mindset - if we allow it. Life is literally a trip! A spirit, clothed in flesh - we are all on a trip called life.
Through life we journey...we journey with and past people...thoughts...deeds...and actions. We journey through emotions...joy, anger, and pain. We journey through places - within and outside of the norm. We journey through relationships, jobs, churches, school, and etc. We journey through misunderstandings to understandings. We journey through barriers, disappointments. We journey...
One thing for sure this journey will come to an end. Just as we were given a date and time to enter into this journey called life; we all are given a date and time for it to come to an end. We will stand before our maker and be held accountable for what we did with our gift of life.
Since the sudden death of my brother in November I often ask myself a most important question which led to others; "how will you make the best of the the time, along your journey and before your end comes?"
Will you focus on those negative things in life which you have no control?
Will you counteract those things with positive flow?
Will you be led by others and their agenda?
Will you take lead and create your own agenda?
Will you allow people to use, abuse, and walk over you?
Will you stand for what you believe and fight for the cause to bring about the change you want to see?
Will you focus on helping others or will you focus on self?
Will you just sit, worry, and cry over situations?
Will you take corrective actions?
Will you accept the fact that you have no control over anybody or anything - other than yourself and your actions?
Will you allow others to dictate to you what you should do with your personal situations...your life?
Will you take control and make your own decisions?
Will you be defeated or will you overcome?
Will you forever remember that the battle is already won. Jesus' has already shed his blood for me.
Will you have faith and trust God along this life's journey?
After all of those thought-provoking questions, I am currently resting on several conclusions: Keep living. Journey on. Follow your dreams. Don't give up the fight. Remove drama and negativity away from you. Do what makes your heart happy. Live and let live. Be watchful and prayerful. Help others when and where YOU choose. Don't be distracted. Live life to the fullest for tomorrow is not promised. In all things, stay balanced! Try the spirit by the spirit. In all things stay connected to God - the highest power.
I love reading and listening to things that empower me. As a choir member, I had the opportunity to learn and lead a song, This Means War. The words ...the message resides in my spirit and gives me strength to endure and power to overcome - when I am having some difficult moments along life's journey. In sharing, my hope is that you will be empowered in some way. While on YOUR journey, just imagine journeying through life and singing this song along the way.
I got joy in my soul
God is in control
I got satan on my trail
But I'm singing all is well
He's attacking everyday
But I'm watching while I pray
No matter the attack - I want turn back!
This means war.
Been through the storm and the rain
But the blood still stays the same
No matter what's going wrong
My war clothes are on
I might be in a daze, but you can't have my praise
No matter the attack - I want turn back!
I plead! I plead the blood.
You can't have my family!
You can't have my increase!
You can't have my breakthrough!
I PLEAD the blood!